
About us

Our Vision

Providing Control For Your Business

Whether you are a General Contractor, a Specialty Contractor, or a Material Supplier you understand that building something takes a lot of effort. Putting a building together is tough enough. On top of that, tracking your efforts, compiling your costs, and getting paid add serious complexity to any job. Having spent time in the construction industry, we are familiar with how easy it is for a project’s finances to spiral out of control. 

ControlQore is designed to help you take back control over your business, especially your project finances and back-end processes. Our team is dedicated to creating a one-of-a-kind holistic solution that will serve as a foundation for you to build your business processes on..

About Control Qore Company
Our Mission

Empower better financial decisions.

ControlQore is dedicated to creating a single platform from which all transaction related activities for a business can be engaged, recorded, and reported. The result is unparalleled control over money and back-end processes to our users.